Cultural routes and the “One Belt One Road Initiative”

Best practices and policies in conservation and tourist development

Acronym: Itinerari culturali e la “One Belt One Road Initiative”


The relationship between conservation and development is the focus of this research project. Big historic linear sites and cultural itineraries represent, due to their nature, a particularly appropriate sector for an interdisciplinary and international approach because they offer and facilitate the possibility to create networks, to develop systemic methodologies and proposals, to structure a diversified offer, etc; all central themes in order to face the issue of the relationship between conservation and development in a sustainable and inclusive way. The work already done, in the previous Bilateral project with CACH, on "Cultural routes: valorisation and management of big historical sites. Via Appia - a Roman consular street - and the Grand Canal of China", that highlighted the importance of the subject for comparative research, represents the basis for this broader research, which aims to exploit the collaborations and the knowledge transfer acquired in order to study in depth certain subjects, such as for example the network of the small historic water towns in China and of the historic hill-cities (borghi) in Italy

Project information

  • Funded by: CNR
  • Call: CNR/CACH for 2019-2021
  • Start date: 2019
  • End date: 2021
  • ISPC Scientific coordinator: Heleni Porfyriou
  • Project Leader: ISPC
  • Partners: MiBAC – Ministero dei Beni Culturali, Italia; Chinese National Heritage office for the Protection of Traditional Villages and of the Grand Canal; Institute for the Cultural and Archaeological Heritage of Zhejiang Province, China; WHITRAP – World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO, Shanghai, China
  • Project website

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