HERitage sMart social mEdia aSsistant

Acronym: HerMeS


The HerMeS project intends to provide advanced tools and services for the enhancement and use of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage, as well as the cultural events in the Lazio region. Hermes is aimed at tourists, citizens, economic operators and the PA. The project aims to connect the heterogeneous needs and interests of stakeholders with an approach based on a bottom-up participatory model and with the support of advanced information technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence algorithms. These algorithms are capable of combining numerous variables to propose personalized itineraries to tourists and visitors, offer useful information to economic operators in order to target intervention strategies, and give valuable information for the Public Administration for the development of sustainable and innovative local growth solutions.

Project information

  • Funded by: Lazio Region
  • Call: POR FESR Lazio 2014-2020. Asse I Ricerca e Innovazione. Avviso Pubblico “Progetti di Gruppi di Ricerca 2020”
  • Start date: 15/04/2021
  • End date: 15/04/2024
  • ISPC Scientific coordinator: Alberto Bucciero
  • Project Leader: ISPC
  • Partners: CNR IASI – Istituto di analisi dei sistemi ed informatica “Antonio Ruberti”; CNR ISTC – Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione; Sapienza Università di Roma, Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca DigiLab.
  • Scarica il Flyer

Some Hermes features | © CNR ISPC

News & Eventi


Il progetto HERMES

L’intelligenza artificiale al servizio della cultura, per nuovi percorsi di scoperta

20 maggio 2024 | h 9:00 – 13:00

Roma, Piazzale Aldo Moro, CNR Centrale, Aula Marconi

More info