Specchia: storia, arte, cultura e rinascita
Knowledge of one's own history and therefore of one's identity constitute the backbone of the project to enhance the material and immaterial cultural heritage of the Borgo di Specchia. Like almost all the municipalities of the former Terra d'Otranto, the historic city as a whole today reveals a highly historicized building fabric and road network.
The results of the research activities will provide the knowledge base for the structural restoration interventions of particularly significant architectural and monumental assets, dating back to the end of the 1500s. The strategy used has the aim of making the more or less known cultural places of the village in community heritage.
Among the objectives to be achieved there is an increase and dissemination of knowledge on the history of the town and the territory in a broader picture of the southern sector of Salento.Among the objectives to be achieved there is an increase and dissemination of knowledge on the history of the town and the territory in a broader picture of the southern sector of Salento.
Project information
- Funded by: Italian Ministry of Culture
- Call: PNRR: Missione 1 – Component 3 – Cultura 4.0 (M1C3). Misura 2 – Investimento 2.1: “Attrattività dei borghi storici”
- Start date: dicembre 2022
- End date: giugno 2026
- ISPC Scientific coordinator: Giovanna Occhilupo
- Project Leader: Comune di Specchia (LE)
- Partners: Università del Salento