Humanities and Heritage Italian Open Science Cloud


Acronym: H2IOSC


Il progetto Humanities and cultural Heritage Italian Open Science Cloud (H2IOSC), partito il 1 Novembre 2022 e finanziato con 41.696.877€, mira a creare un’infrastruttura di ricerca digitale federata nel dominio ESFRI dell’Innovazione Sociale e Culturale, a partire dalla collaborazione tra le quattro infrastrutture ad alta priorità individuate nel Piano Nazionale Infrastrutture di Ricerca 2021-27, CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure), DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities), E-RIHS (European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science) e OPERAS (Open Scholarly Communication in the European Research Area for Social Sciences and Humanities).

Coordinated by the CNR and with a duration of 30 months, H2IOSC aims to provide a multidisciplinary environment for research, development and teaching in the field of humanities and cultural heritage. Based on the European Open Science Cloud EOSC model, the project promotes the adoption of best practices and collaboration between disciplines. H2IOSC will develop a network of ultra-high-performance computing nodes and digital laboratories for a wide range of disciplines, serving as an innovation incubator and international reference model.

Project information

  • Funded by: European Union NextGenerationEU and Italian Ministry of University and Research
  • Call: PNRR: Missione 4 – Componente 2 “Dalla ricerca all’impresa” – Investimento 3.1 – Fondo per la realizzazione di un sistema integrato di infrastrutture di ricerca e innovazione
  • Start date: 1 November 2022
  • End date: 30 ottobre 2025
  • ISPC Scientific coordinator: Costanza Miliani
  • Project Leader: CNR
  • Funding: € 41.696.877
  • Project website

Events & News


Scadenza 2 febbraio 2025

Il Cluster H2IOSC ha aperto la seconda call per l’accesso transnazionale (TNA) e nazionale (NA) ai servizi digitali avanzati di CLARIN-IT, DARIAH-IT, e OPERAS-IT. Questi servizi, implementati nel progetto H2IOSC, permettono di condurre ricerche innovative su dati e oggetti digitali complessi nei settori delle scienze umane, linguistiche e del patrimonio culturale.

The call is open to academic and industrial research projects, with the possibility of both individual and team participation. Applications will be assessed based on scientific excellence, originality, and quality of the proposal, after a preliminary technical evaluation.

Scientific and technical support will be the added value throughout the research activities, with a dedicated helpdesk for every need.

More info


Presenting E-RIHS

December 11, 2024 | h 14:00 – 16:00 (CET)

Online, Microsoft Teams

The H2IOSC project is promoting a series of training events: H2IOSC Café. These sessions are designed to provide cross-training, collaboration and knowledge sharing between all research infrastructures involved in the project: CLARIN, DARIAH, E-RIHS and OPERAS.

The third appointment will focus on the E-RIHS Research Infrastructure, specifically the Italian node, the leading research infrastructure of the H2IOSC Cluster, coordinated by the CNR ISPC, to present its activities to the other infrastructures involved in the project. The event will be held online in Italian and English.

Join the H2IOSC Café to learn more about the Research Infrastructures involved in the H2IOSC project!

Learn more


Deadline October 27, 2024

Proroga scadenza fino al 31 ottobre 2024

The H2IOSC RIs Cluster has opened the first call for Trans-National Access (TNA) and National Access (NA) to the advanced digital services of CLARIN-IT, DARIAH-IT, and OPERAS-IT. These services, implemented in the H2IOSC project, enable innovative research on complex digital data and objects in the humanities, language science, and heritage science domains.

The call is open to academic and industrial research projects, with the possibility of both individual and team participation. Applications will be assessed based on scientific excellence, originality, and quality of the proposal, after a preliminary technical evaluation.

Scientific and technical support will be the added value throughout the research activities, with a dedicated helpdesk for every need.

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