Archaeological investigation of Soil Heritage: the case of Andosols
An integrated and open IT approach to investigate a crucial agricultural resource in Central-Southern Italy (Latium, Campania, Calabria and Sicily) through archaeology, pedology, archaeobotany and remote sensing
PNRR M4C2: PRIN 2022
Acronym: ASH
The ASH Project aims at improving the diachronic archaeological knowledge on the relation between the volcanic soils distribution, their fertility and the development of dense, complex and durable (in the sense of Braudelian longue durée) settlement patterns.
This improvement in knowledge is intended as a tool to demonstrate the relevance of these soils as a strategic natural resource that has supported dense human populations for several centuries or even millennia, highlighting the need for their conservation and proper management. ASH aims at developing a new high-impact research strategy, based on archaeological records (new surveys, cores, legacy data), pedological and archaeobotanical studies, remote sensing based on Copernicus satellite images and NDVI mapping and sampling.
Project information
- Funded by: European Union NextGenerationEU and Italian Ministry of University and Research
- Call: PNRR: Missione 4 – Componente 2 “Dalla ricerca all’impresa” – Investimento 1.1 – Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)
- Start date: 13 Dicember 2022
- End date: 28 February 2026
- ISPC Scientific coordinator: Immacolata Ditaranto
- Project Leader: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
- Budget: € 239.730

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