Heritage SmartLab
Acronym: HSL
The Heritage SmartLab project is aimed at creating Europe's largest, most structured and qualified Digital Innovation Hub - with headquarters in Basilicata and two spokes in Campania and Puglia - specialized on Cultural Heritage and Cultural and Creative Industries.
The goal is the creation of a cultural and creative district based in the context of the Sassi of Matera, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with a strong international dimension and an approach to the market needs of its public and private clients.
CNR ISPC is focusing on the prototype development of innovative technologies and methodological approaches aimed at creating and transferring innovation in the field in Service activities for PAs, cultural and creative enterprises, startups, innovators, and professionals related to monitoring, digitization and enhancement of cultural heritage with particular reference to artistic, archaeological and monumental heritage, including in hypogeal contexts. The technologies deployed will also accelerate digital and green transition processes in the conservation, maintenance, restoration, regeneration and enhancement of cultural heritage.
Project information
- Funded by: European Union
- Call: European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01)
- Grant Agreement n. 101083904
- Start date: 1 November 2022
- End date: 31 October 2025
- ISPC Scientific coordinator: Nicola Masini
- Project Leader: Cluster Basilicata Creativa
- Partners: [Partner]: SPICI srl, Consorzio MEDITECH, Cluster Lucano dell’Aerospazio ETS, Cluster Lucano Automotive – Fabbrica Intelligente ETS, Cluster Energia Basilicata ETS, Iccrea Banca S.p.A, Sviluppo Basilicata SPA, Iniziativa Cube SRL, Digital Innovation Hub Basilicata; [Affiliati]: Università degli Studi di Salerno, Politecnico di Bari, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Engineering – Ingegneria Informatica SPA, CeSMA, ACCA Software – S.P.A.; [Associati]: Comune di Matera.
- Project website →

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Heritage SmartLab has received funding from the European Union’s Digital Europe Programme DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01 under Grant Agreement N. 101083904.
News & Eventi

Presentazione App “POTENZA CELATA”
Giovedì 16 gennaio 2025, ore 16.00
Potenza, Polo Bibliotecario
Giovedì 16 gennaio 2025, alle ore 16.00, verrà presentata nella Sala convegni del Polo Bibliotecario di Potenza l’app “Potenza Celata”, frutto di una sinergia tra il CNR-ISPC e il Rotary “Torre Guevara” di Potenza. L’app, disponibile su AppStore (Apple) e PlayStore (Google), è infatti l’esito dello SmartLab “Potenza Celata”, che si colloca come sottoWP del progetto “Basilicata Heritage SmartLab”, coordinato da Nicola Masini e finanziato con fondi POR FESR 2014-2020 della Regione Basilicata e che coinvolge enti e aziende aderenti al cluster “Basilicata Creativa”, presieduto da Raffele Vitulli.
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