The earliest citadels. Walled landscapes, conflict and social change in Bronze Age South-Eastern Italy
PNRR M4C2: PRIN 2022
Acronym: WALL-Fare
Along the Adriatic and Ionian coasts of Apulia, numerous multi-phase settlements defended by drystone fortifications arose in the Middle Bronze Age (ca. 1700-1500 B.C.), turning this region into the most extensively militarised area on the entire peninsula. Until now, such fortifications were believed to have spread across Italy from the 17th century B.C. onwards. However, new archaeological data suggest an earlier beginning of this phenomenon.
WALL-Fare investigates the first appearance of stone fortifications that transformed the Adriatic into a militarised landscape, with the aim of reconstructing the emergence of social complexity in relation to war and conflict, and to place this phenomenon in the broader 'international' scenario of the central Mediterranean.
Project information
- Funded by: European Union NextGenerationEU and Italian Ministry of University and Research
- Call: PNRR: Missione 4 – Componente 2 “Dalla ricerca all’impresa” – Investimento 1.1 – Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)
- Start date: 2023
- End date: 2025
- ISPC Scientific coordinator: Maja Gori
- Project Leader: Università del Salento
- Budget: € 197.456

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