TECHNART 2025: The International Conference on Analytical Techniques for Heritage Studies and Conservation
TECHNART 2025 The International Conference on Analytical Techniques for Heritage Studies and…
Music, Dance, and Soundscapes in the World of Alexander the Great
CONFERENCE Music, Dance, and Soundscapes in the World of Alexander the Great October 15 - 19,……
The 31ts European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Annual Meeting 2025
31ts European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Annual Meeting 2025 Interwined Pasts 3 - 6…
Dialoghi per la storia: il primo incontro di studio sull'interazione tra uomo e natura nel mondo antico
Incontro di studio Dialoghi per la storia Ex nihilo nihil fit: l’interazione tra uomo e…
Il CNR ISPC alla COP29 anche quest'anno con un side event al Padiglione Italia del MASE
COP29 Italian Pavilion MASE Side Event Built Heritage as a driver for climate action 13 novembre…
Workshop internazionale in Digital integrated strategies to safeguard heritage construction technologies
International Workshop Digital integrated strategies to safeguard heritage construction…
Alla scoperta di Bisenzio: archeologia fra scienza e cinema
Alla scoperta di Bisenzio: archeologia fra scienza e cinema Open Day dello scavo archeologico…
Stakeholders' Workshop "Towards the ARCHE SRIA"
Stakeholders' Workshop Towards the ARCHE SRIA 25 September 2024 In person 9:00 - 17:30 (CEST)…
The E-RIHS Public Event: celebrating 20 years of access to cutting-edge facilities in Heritage Science
The E-RIHS Public Event Celebrating 20 years of access to cutting-edge facilities in Heritage…