National challenges

Discover the ongoing national research projects of the CNR ISPC

Discover the ongoing national research projects of the CNR ISPC to increase scientific and technological knowledge in the field of cultural heritage research, encourage innovation, the transfer of technologies and knowledge for the benefit of the country.

In this section, you can select the programming period of your interest (2014-2020 or 2021-2027) and find the projects won under the calls (PRIN, PON, FISR, FSI) launched by the Italian Ministries and by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP).

National projects


REinventing Industrial MUSeums for a new image of ITaly…


Dialogues between ancient Western Asia and us Untold…


Ancient Landscapes of Anatolia in the Bronze Age…

Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti “Infiniti Mondi”

Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti “Infiniti Mondi”…


Humanities and Heritage Italian Open Science Cloud…


Trespassing Religions, Identities and Borders in the…


Countryside Heritage, Investigating Narratives and…


Exploring the PotentiAl of Immersive VirtUal ReALity for…


Cultural heritage active innovation for next-gen…

Specchia: storia, arte, cultura e rinascita

Specchia: storia, arte, cultura e rinascita…

New scenarios for ancient small towns and territories

Scenari nuovi per borgo e territori antichi Una comunità…

CNR ISPC scientific research

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