Documentation and Conservation for Petra Archaeological Park.
The Rupestrian Tombs of Petra
Acronimo: DaC for PAP
The project aims to develop a working methodology for the archaeological study as well as analyzing the processes of degradation of the architectural facades of the most important tombs of Petra. This will be conducted by using a combination of innovative technologies which are related to different disciplinary areas. Furthermore, the project includes student and sector specialists training on issues pertaining to advanced technologies in cultural heritage.
- Laser scanner
- Photogrammetry
- Augmented Reality
- Petrographic Analysis
- Analysis of the Degradation of the Rock and the Frescoed Walls
- Restoration projects
- Finanziato da: Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale – CNR
- Call: 2020
- Data di inizio: 2019
- Data di conclusione: 2022
- Responsabile scientifico ISPC: Roberto Gabrielli
- Ente capofila: ISPC
- Altri Enti/Istituzioni/Organizzazioni coinvolte: MAECI – UNIPM