Exploring the PotentiAl of Immersive VirtUal ReALity for Experiencing Archaeological Soundscapes
Acronimo: AURAL
This project aims to explore the sonic features of archaeological spaces and how ancient cultures experienced sonic environment, enabling us to assess changes of geophony, biophony and anthrophony in the past. By using a new generation of immersive audio technology, the AURAL project also aims to predict the ever-changing soundscapes and the impact of climate changes on sonic environment. In order to complete this study, the project will establish a new line of research at the crossroads of digital heritage, sound studies, and historical landscape, by using digital technologies in acoustics and in sound signal processing design capable to explore sonic heritage environment and ecosystem.
- Finanziato da: Unione Europea NextGenerationEU e Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca
- Call: PNRR: Missione 4 – Componente 2 “Dalla ricerca all’impresa” – Investimento 1.2 – Finanziamento di progetti presentati da giovani ricercatori – vincitori di grant MSCA
- Data di inizio: Gennaio 2023
- Data di conclusione: Gennaio 2026
- Responsabile scientifico ISPC: Angela Bellia
- Ente capofila: CNR ISPC
- Finanziamento: € 300.000

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Aural Architecture and Heritage Science
Approaches, Methods, and Perspectives

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Archeologia della performance musicale e della danza
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