MetroArchaeo 2023
Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
October 19-21, 2023
The 9th edition of Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (MetroArchaeo) conference will be held in Rome from 19 to 21 October 2023, organized by CNR ISPC and Roma 3 University.

MetroArchaeo brings together researchers and operators in the enhancement, characterization and preservation of archaeological and cultural heritage with the main objective of discussing production, interpretation and reliability of measurements and data.
Measurements deriving from the large number of analytical methodologies and tools, molecular and elemental spectroscopic techniques, chemometrics, chemical reactivity and modeling, etc., nowadays available are of interest for the conference. Data on the impacts of natural and anthropogenic environmental stressors, the decaying pathways of the different materials in the surrounding environment, the development of new remediation processes as cleaning, consolidation, rehabilitation, etc., based on the chemical knowledge can be considered.
Conference Topics
The conference aims to create a platform of shared knowledge between Humanities and Applied Sciences. The themes to be addressed:
- Methodologies and measurements for diagnostics and conservation;
- Geomatics for Cultural Heritage research and management;
- Non-destructive techniques for archaeological diagnostics;
- 3D recording and modelling for Cultural Heritage;
- Metrology in landscape archaeology;
- Metrological approaches to the study of written Heritage;
- Metrological approaches in architecture and visual arts;
- Bioarchaeology and paleodiet measurements;
- Archaeometry;
- Archaeozoology;
- Archaeobotany;
- Metrological analyses of raw materials;
- Computer science and 3D survey;
- Metadata and digital management in archaeology;
- Ancient scientific instruments.

Call for papers
The interdisciplinary and international context of the conference is underlined not only by the presence of recognized specialists in these fields of research but also by allowing the participation of a wide range of theoreticians and practitioners, including art historians, conservator-restorers as well as conservation scientists and museum educators.
You are welcome to submit abstracts for oral presentations or posters in one or more special sessions.
All contributions will be peer-reviewed, and acceptance will be based on quality, originality and relevance. Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings and indexed by SCOPUS. Extended versions of presented papers are eligible for post-publication.
Special Sessions
Special sessions have the main aim of creating a mini-workshop on a specific topic, where researchers working on the same argument can make knowledge, familiarize, exchange ideas, create cooperation.
Special Sessions are being developed by designated chairs.
CNR ISPC Special Sessions
SPECIAL SESSION #1: Multiscale and multitemporal high resolution remote sensing and non-destructive testing for archaeology and monumental heritage: From research to preservation
Organized by: Giovanni Leucci, Salvatore Piro, Nicola Masini, CNR ISPC, Sebastiano D’Amico, University of Malta
SPECIAL SESSION #4: Biodeterioration of cultural heritage: evaluation of damages and new approaches for prevention and control
Organized by: Flavia Bartoli, Annalaura Casanova Municchia, CNR ISPC
SPECIAL SESSION #13: Non-destructive Imaging Techniques for the Characterization of Cultural Heritage
Organized by: Fulvio Mercuri, Noemi Orazi, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Eva Pietroni, Giovanni Caruso, CNR ISPC
SPECIAL SESSION #15: Digital tools in Cultural Heritage: 3D modelling and metaverse
Organized by: Sofia Ceccarelli, CNR ISPC, Roberta Manzollino, Sapienza University of Rome
SPECIAL SESSION #16: Semantic enrichment of 3D models for the knowledge representation of archaeology and built heritage: Strategies for documentation, conservation and management
Organized by: Elena Gigliarelli, Letizia Martinelli, Michele Calvano, Stefano Cursi, Gianluca Cantoro, CNR ISPC
SPECIAL SESSION #19: Size matters. High-resolution survey of small artifacts: acquisition strategies and methodologies, level of detail, dissemination
Organized by: Sara Antinozzi, Marco Limongiello, University of Salerno, Bruno Fanini, Daniele Ferdani, Diego Ronchi, CNR ISPC
SPECIAL SESSION #20: GENIUS LOCI: Methods and code for measuring historical phenomena, ancient landscape dynamics, and mechanisms through IT heritage methodologies
Organized by: Paolo Rosati, Saverio Giulio Malatesta, DigiLab Sapienza University of Rome, Augusto Palombini, CNR ISPC
SPECIAL SESSION #21: Remote sensing methods and approaches for Underwater Cultural Heritage research and management
Organized by: Crescenzo Violante, CNR ISPC, Barbara Davidde, Ministry of Culture, Italy, Nikos Papadopoulos, Foundation for Research and Technology, Greece
SPECIAL SESSION #23: Organic components in archaeological findings and works of art: current challenges in their identification and characterization
Organized by: Leila Birolo, University of Naples Federico II, Giulia Germinario, CNR ISPC
SPECIAL SESSION #27: How do we measure scientific reliability? Semantic approaches and software solutions for 3D virtual reconstruction in archaeology
Organized by: Emanuel Demetrescu, Simone Berto, Eleonora Scopinaro, CNR ISPC
SPECIAL SESSION #29: Heritage wood: diagnosis and monitoring to develop a preservation strategy
Organized by: Sveva Longo, Cristiano Riminesi, Silvia Capuani, CNR ISPC, Valeria Stagno, Sapienza University of Rome – Dep. of Earth Science
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline
May 31, 2023
Extended Abstract Acceptance Notification
June 30, 2023
Final Paper Submission Deadline
July 31, 2023