Godscapes: Modeling Second Millennium BCE Polytheisms in the Eastern Mediterranean
Acronimo: Godscapes
The Godscapes project aims at defining a new scientific perspective in studying religious phenomena, in which material culture can be used to understand how humans entangle with the divine.
In the last decades, religious studies have stressed the pivotal role of material culture in shaping beliefs and practices, both among ancient and modern communities. The Godscapes project combines a material approach with an innovative scientific computational model (i.e., the Semantic Web), that will help investigating religious architecture, iconicity, funerary and written data from ancient sites in the Levant during the Second Millennium BCE.
- Finanziato da: Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca
- Call: PRIN 2020
- Data di inizio: 18/05/2022
- Data di conclusione: 18/05/2025
- Responsabile scientifico ISPC: Ida Oggiano
- Ente capofila: Università di Catania
- Altri Enti/Istituzioni/Organizzazioni coinvolte:Università di Pisa, Sapienza Università di Roma
- Link al progetto

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