Space and Memory. How places and monuments of memory built social and cultural identity in 1st millennium BCE Italy
Acronimo: SaM
The SaM project aims to investigate how the communities of first-millennium BCE Italy build their cultural identity and define the horizon of historical memory. Answering this question requires a thorough investigation of complex and stratified processes.
In order to advance knowledge of such a complex topic, the team project have established a common framework to guide their research. This framework is the ideological dimension that underlies cultural processes in ancient society and that can be seen under various lights: religious, political-military and funerary, which will be all taken into account by the RUs.
In this process, the ‘places’ and ‘traces’ of memory, both collective and cultural, take on particular importance. The project aims at examining selected pieces of this mosaic, with particular reference to Central-Southern Italy, and to the role played in this historical scenario by ‘cultural memory’ in the construction of variously configured collective identities (ethnos, tribe, community, gens, etc.).
- Finanziato da: Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca
- Call: PRIN 2020
- Data di inizio: 2022
- Data di conclusione: 2025
- Responsabile scientifico ISPC: Laura Ambrosini
- Ente capofila: Sapienza Università di Roma
- Altri Enti/Istituzioni/Organizzazioni coinvolte: Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Università del Salento, Università di Cassino

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