Call for Papers
Telestes invites submissions for its upcoming issue on Archaeomusicology and Sound Archaeology
Telestes: An International Journal of Archaeomusicology and Archaeology of Sound is now accepting submissions for its 5th issue, scheduled for publication in 2025. The deadline for submissions is 31 December 2024.

Telestes addresses a notable gap in scholarly publications and specialist periodicals by focusing on the archaeological evidence of musical and dance interest. It endeavours to contextualise historical musical and choral performances, interpreting their cultural, religious, and social significance in ancient societies. The Journal also welcomes papers on the study of sound and hearing in archaeological contexts, examining past soundscapes and sonic fabrics, including anthrophony, biophony, and geophony.
Research on a broad geographical spectrum, from the Mediterranean to North Europe, Central and South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Rim, is encouraged. Cross-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary approaches are particularly valued.
Submissions can be in English, German, French, Italian, or Spanish. The preferred length for contributions is 8,000 words, and it is planned to publish one issue annually with 5-6 contributions totalling approximately 200 pages. Manuscripts will undergo peer review by two anonymous readers.
Deadline for manuscript submissions is 31 December 2024.
For further details and to submit manuscripts
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Contact the Editor in chief
Angela Bellia, researcher CNR ISPC