Perceptive Enhanced Realities of Colored collEctions through AI and Virtual Experiences
Acronimo: PERCEIVE
PERCEIVE aims at creating a new way to perceive, preserve, curate, exhibit, understand and access colored Cultural Heritage collections and Digital Artworks, promoting their re-appropriation. These collections are a priority because of their high fragility that requires shared methods to preserve and exhibit them, because of the complexity of their study and because of the significance of being able to properly communicate these to future generations.
PERCEIVE supports the shaping of an European common identity around the concepts of care and diversity and at the same time strengthens the digital market for the creative industries.
The PERCEIVE project starts from the twofold needs of better preserving and communicating colored artworks and, at the same time, improving and speeding up scientific process results, which could be employed to maximize visitors’ experience with a variety of digital colored collections.
PERCEIVE is developed considering 5 key scenarios:
- Lost colors of Polychromy Classical Sculptures;
- Fading colors in Paintings;
- Fading colors in Textiles;
- Historical Photos;
- Digital Art.
Within these scenarios, PERCEIVE aims at advancing the digital capability of scientists and cultural institutions, through a service-based AI architecture and toolkit; and by developing a new design theory for on-site and remote XR experiences, based on “Care”, “Accessibility” and “Authenticity” concepts, with and for the creative industries, expanding the access to Cultural Heritage and Art outside museums for a wider integration with the society. Expected outcomes include new services, tools and prototypes, including a number of expected results.
- Finanziato da: Commissione Europea
- Call: HORIZON-CL2-2021-HERITAGE-01
- Data di inizio: 1 February 2023
- Data di conclusione: 31 January 2026
- Responsabile scientifico ISPC: Sofia Pescarin
- Ente capofila: CNR ISPC
- Altri Enti/Istituzioni/Organizzazioni coinvolte: Forth (GR); Anamnesia and IMKI (FR); NTNU (NO); Fraunhofer IGD (DE); MIC – MANN museum (IT); Oslo Munch Museum (NO); Art Institute Chicago (USA); Hoverlay LTD (USA); HSLU (CH); Victoria & Albert MUSEUM (UK)
- Link al progetto
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant agreement N. 101061157.
News & Eventi
Evento di lancio
Perceptive Enhanced Realities of Colored collEctions through artificial Intelligence and Virtual Experiences
6 Marzo 2023 | ore 9:00 – 18:00
Auditorium del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (MANN)
L’evento aperto a cittadini, imprese, comunità scientifica e alle istituzioni culturali, è un’occasione unica per esplorare la bellezza, la fragilità e le sfide della ricostruzione del colore e della conservazione di un vastissimo patrimonio di sculture, dipinti, tessuti, foto e arte digitale.
Per approfondimenti sulla tematica di ricerca visita i nostri Gruppi e Labs.